Good things come to those who wait!

We Are North now, not Orange. Here's why.

  • by Vincent de Winter
  • 20 March 2022
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The name of our game has changed.

Our name is now We Are North. It’s a subtle shift but an important one for us and our customers. We want to add value – not just on the balance sheet, but in the wider world.

This is all part of a bigger push for us to move toward a more sustainable service. We’ve been successful in our space and want to continue that success not just in terms of growth but in terms of our impact.

Coming of age

Orange is the color of joyful things and that represented us well because we wanted to do things that are fun. Back then we would say ‘yes’ to almost anything because as a small business we wanted to be successful. We Are North represents our more serious, grounded edge.

In the last 4 or 5 months, we’ve brought more focus to what we want to do. We have a great group of customers who like what we do and this business is repeatable – even better. Now we want to create solutions that have functionality that can be shared with other businesses: giving them something to learn from.

Tl;dr we’ve become a more strategic partner. Less ‘yes’, more asking “is that’s the right move?”. As a service provider, we have so much more to give.

Sustainability - for the long run

As We Are North we want to increase our provision of privacy and compliance services for our customers. There is a growing need for privacy in data analytics and this goes hand in hand with a wider push toward sustainability – especially within tech. It might sound corny, but we want to have a greater purpose than just delivering a service. We want to add value – not just to our local community, but in the world we live in.

We are now more conscious of what we want to do. It’s about us being more intentional about the value we bring. As a company, we want to grow throughout Europe through collaboration with new and existing partners. Size isn’t the goal but reach is. We want our solutions to have a far-reaching impact – not just for our customers, but for the public.

For existing customers, our methodology will not change; but we do want to build our relationship with you. Providing you with insight on how to deal with things like privacy and compliance is top of the list. We’re already looking to launch the MASA cloud which is a completely GDPR compliant privacy platform.

Lots of exciting developments are on the horizon and the only way they’ll be successful is by us working well with our partners. The direction has been drawn up – We Are North.

If you want to find out more about We Are North and how we help our partners – contact us today.

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